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This game is really cool and the mechanics feel really smooth to use. I especially love the concept of a grappling hook in a 3d platformer to make it more fast paced. Unfortunately as someone without a mouse and basically being relegated to a trackpad, I had a lot of difficulty even with sections that were meant to be really easy. The main problem for me were that after right clicking, it seemed like I wouldnt be able to input anything else from the mouse, such as changing camera or ziplining again. i don't know if thats a problem with the game or my trackpad, but if it was fixed it'd make the game much more fun to play.

This game leaned very heavily into the mechanics of the game and did it very well. The levels start very basically as they slowly build up the skills necessary to challenge the harder level. I think the skill progression of the player is really nice, with clean mechanics and gameplay to support any ideas the player has. The game is very good, except for the boss. The 1st and 2nd phase of the boss isn't even that bad and helped me learn the game better. The 3rd phase is just bad, where you either get 1 shot by all the boss's bullets or you 1 shot him if you parry right. Aside from the final phase, the game is good.

The graphical theme was very clear in this game. I really loved the look and feel of everything. Especially when it came to the dashing feature with the triangles. Other than that, game play was also very cool with the ability to do continuous midair battle. I unfortunately tried really hard to do this, but just ended up spamming and then falling to death. Overall, this is a very cool game.

I really loved the mechanisms for this game. The grappling and wall running really focus on movement and make this game more than just your standard FPS. The game is fairly difficult, so perhaps adding some checkpoints would be good.

To start this game is incredibly well made for a 2 week project. It's replay ability and overall just fun mechanics make it a very fun experience. Additionally, the fact that its not that easy makes it a very challenging experience for the user. One thing i'd like to compliment is the addition of a horizontal and vertical sensitivity option. I personally like to use EXTREMELY low sensitivity on FPS games and having this option available makes the experience even that much more enjoyable.

Some things that can use some more touch up are definitely the background and the graphics of the whole thing. Personally, the minimal aesthetic doesn't fit for a game like this. I feel a beautiful landscape which is visually stunning would take this game to new heights. Additionally, maybe some key mapping would be a cool addition as on a mac laptop it is very hard to rightclick to get that grapple out.

The game have some cool mechanisms: wall run,  zipline, parry bullets. These cool mechanisms and the well structured map and enemies give the game an intensive game experience and fast pace. I'm also suprised by the skill of using lines around the screen to create a sense of speed. But the fighting back by sword is difficult to learn at the beginning and I think the range of the sword can be bigger. Excellent game overall!

It hard to believe this game was made for a class in 2 weeks, I love how it feels to play and I think the grapple mechanic on its own could be enough to fill a whole game but there's also the parry which makes things even more interesting. Would love to see more levels of this game.

Gameplay is very fluid and the grappling hook is implemented perfectly. I would like a bit more visual feedback for when it recharges, but I was able to pick it up quickly. It was a pretty tough game, so I agree with the sentiments on checkpoints, but it made it more rewarding to beat a level.

Man this game is hard lol. The ideas are cool, I think a grappling hook movement game is cool (have you played Neon White?). In general this game has some bones but is severally lacking in muscle tissue. The ground movement is sluggish and the grappling hook is uncomfortable and doesn't line up with the terrain. The level design is also hard to navigate. I do like the momentum you get from the grapple hook.

I really enjoy the minimalistic aesthetic of the game, it sort of reminds me of Mirror's edge with the monochrome color scheme. The movement is really satisfying once you get the hang of it, I'm a sucker for being able to grapple around, it adds a lot of speed and dynamic movement. The boss at the end and the mini boss were pretty difficult, I was kind of confused on how to fight the boss his first phase so I think maybe some text that pops up saying what to do would be pretty helpful. Awesome game!

I love how this game looks, it's so unique. A small thing is that the font was a little hard to read, its common sense that WASD are controls but the font made it seem like a tossup between what was a W and a H. It also took a while to figure out how zip lining worked since the zipline would bring me above the platform and I would be staring at the ceiling  and I wouldn't realize that I was successful, so a camera angle change for that would be nice. Otherwise really fun game!

This game feels complete, like a prototype that could be released which is really impressive. The wall running felt awesome to play though the controls for it were a little unintuitive and the overall gameplay feel is pretty smooth. The boss fight is really cool albeit hard for me to attempt successfully. The level design is also really fun and striking, and the minimalistic style is a cool addition to the game's visual identity. The lack of checkpoints is a little frustrating, but that might also just be a skill issue thing... Great job!

This was very impressive from a game play/feel perspective. The mechanics are so fun that it feels a little unsatisfying that the range of your sword feels pretty short, and frustrating that there are no checkpoints. Other than those nitpicks, this feels like a prototype of what could be a professional game.


This feels like a complete game with the mechanics, the gameplay, the settings, and the soundtrack. Took quite a bit of getting used to but once I had the general idea of it down it was fun to play. A  small issue i noticed was that the final boss was a little confusing on their phase 2. I wasn't sure what the vulnerable phases were, so I was just running away the entire time.


The wall jumping and grappling mechanism is insane. I really like all the design - it's very minimalistic and the all the boss were very unique.  The bullets have a very small hit box but I honestly think it's a me problem with skill issues :'D It was super fun to play and struggle through the game.


I am very much being skill issued here but it is a very good game. One thing to note is that when you right click for the grappling hook, I feel like it would be more intuitive if right clicking again deactivates the grappling hook instead of having to press space to detach it.