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This game is so sick. The mechanics work really well, and for a game about a grandma crusading against music, the music choices are pretty good. The effect when a projectile hits the ground or a wall or when you beat an enemy is really cool. The whole screen turning black and the burst of blue/purple is amazing. My only real complaint is that the sword doesnt seem to be that good of a weapon. I think that might be because the dash is supposed to be its "default" attack, but maybe giving it more range or allowing it to reflect projectiles would be neat.

This game is very interesting. There are many things to talk about. The progressing weapon system is a really cool concept well implemented, where players can progress through the game with multiple paths. My only complaint is that it seems some of the weapons are clearly much more overpowered than others, where it feels like the player is punished for not using a particular weapon. Otherwise, everything about the game is very cool, the level design, boss battles, and traversing to the levels. Very cool!

I really liked the progression of the game with the additional features as you beat a boss. I did miss the ability to just have all the tools during beta testing because the gravity skill was amazing when trying to clear levels. The interface was also very cool. I liked that you could visually see all your abilities and their cooldown with the fade. The speed of the game was also very cool. One thing I did notice however was when shooting, it would pick the direction that was last moved. after a jump or an up arrow key, I would expect the shoot direction to be either left or right depending on the idle position. I guess this does add to the shooting directions, but I found it a little weird trying to kill enemies.

I really love the mechanics of the game. I thought they were very fluid and felt great to play on. I also love the different types of weapons available. The different weapons allow for multiple playstyles, and added with the checkpoints, increases repeatability. The overall aesthetic of the game also looks great. The character designs looked amazing.

I really like the way you introduced the boss fights by having the music play a more action oriented part of the track. It felt very dynamic and I thought it added a lot to the game!

One of my favorite parts of this game probably is the hit stop effect when you hit an enemy. It is very responsive and the blue and purple effect along with the change in screen brightness makes for extremely clear feedback. Great job on that!

This is a minor issue, but I think the object that checks if you've fallen to your death could have been higher. When you fall off a cliff sometimes you can see the bottom of the platforms and that's a bit odd. 

The menu UI is great. I really like the way it moves onto the screen instead of suddenly appearing. 

The gameplay is really really fun! Overall, I thought this game was amazing.

This might be dumb, but I absolutely love you gave your game an icon in the start screen. It's such a subtle change but really makes you look at the game as more than just an application

First of all I got to say. Although the UI is very basic, it serves its purpose perfectly. I always knew what I could and couldn't do. The visual effects also when you hit enemies is amazing. I love that darkening of the screen and the bright flash of an enemy dying

There's really not much to say. I really enjoy this game and see not many flaws in terms of the user experience. Maybe just make the game a bit less bland at times (background) and make the enemies a bit more than just floating headphones that don't move? That would make this game perfect in my eyes.

I played the first state of this game and was very impressed. After playing to the final state I am blown away by the amount of detail that it offers. It reminds me very much of celeste, one of the best platformers around. The boss fights are also cool, and I in fact didn't even think the game needed it. The only thing needed is polishing really I struggled with some jumps tremendously and eventually gave up at a certain point. However Fantastic job. (Kaya)

The visual effects are really good and the boss fight keeps the gameplay interesting. I personally found the traversal in the game quite challenging specially the ones involving a double jump followed by a dash. But other than that I liked the option of being able to use different weapons as you progress. It's also nice that you managed to implement a save mechanic into this game.

The viusal effect looks really cool and the boss fight is awesome and smooth! Also it's very challenging. The game has very good gameplay by designing a different weapon in each level and evey level should use a different mechanism to pass. It's hard to imagine it's a game that created in few weeks.

I'm a huge fan of the way that the gameplay is constantly updating due to the new items that you get from the bosses which is something that kept me engaged. The game was also very flashy visually which helped to make the combat with the enemies feel impactful. The only criticism I can come up with is that in some cases the special attack cooldown is so fast that it feels like it's pointless to use regular attacks instead of constantly using special.

I think think the objective of the game is simple, but the beautiful visuals, smooth player movement, and variety of enemies make it really complex. This game is extremely visually appealing with the animations and the character design, including the player. I also like the visual feedback given when you defeat an enemy––it's flashy, but I think it goes with the vibe of the game.

I love the story and the art of the game! Gameplay felt very natural and the unique touches with the bosses added a lot. Sound and visual effects were all super well implemented. The visual detail added to the menus was awesome. Great game!

I like the style of this game, and how it fits altogether. The art style is also great, which is why I'm a little surprised that the controls is just a screenshot from Unity. But at the same time, designing a controls is tedious, so I can understand the screenshots instead. Overall, nice game!

[Also level 4 gives me gamer rage >:( ]

This is another really nice looking game. The art is once again beautiful! I really like grandma's story. The in game options menu where it lists the controls seems to go off screen for me. The dodging of the bullets while attacking was a nice added difficulty. Great game!

The boss fight and the different weapons you can use are the highlights in this game. The different types of weapons showcase the different playstyles you can adapt in the game. I would say that other than the boss fights and the weapons, the regular enemies seem a bit dull and repetitive. It would be nice if the game included different mechanics on the lesser enemies. 

I love the boss fights in the game and being able to swap between all of these moves in the later game. I kind of wish some of the platforms and terrain had a bit more going on but the overall experience is great. I love also the music changes during the boss fights. The menu animation is also really nice to see and I love how it kind of pops in.

I really like how there are various components to this game and fighting each enemy. However, I do think that some checkpoints could be places where it would be easier for the player to complete the game. I think I had to spend a long time trying to get through a part of the game because the checkpoint was placed before the part where I died a lot. 

Mechanisms for combat are great and the introduction of new weapons keeps combat fresh and exciting. I really like the boss and character design and the kill effects were really cool at first but after a bit it started to give me a headache. I especially like the guitar boss and how it telegraphs its attacks.

I really like all the effects and mechanisms in the game! The bosses are all very unique and cool - especially how you receive and unlock their special weapons after defeating them. It would be nice if the platforms were also drawn, but that does not affect gameplay much.

The visuals and theme as a whole are great and work well with the gameplay. Great work on the menus as well. The feedback when you kill an enemy is very cool but probably too intense, the effect could be dialed back a bit as it's kind of distracting. There could also be more feedback when you get hit and when you activate a checkpoint, but these are nitpicks since everything works really well.